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Motivation To Practice – How To Find It?

We all want to be good at the things we do. If it’s art, sports, a craft of some sort, or with our instrument. And to get good at something we need to put in the hours of practice. And that could be Hard!

Often than not, we start with a lot of motivation and over time, start to lose that inner flame we once had. Maybe we encountered a hard piece that we just can’t get right, or maybe it’s hard for us to find time to practice in our busy lives.

Whatever the reason, we can easily lose our motivation to practice, and as time goes on we can decide to quit it altogether.

But Fear not! For in this article I am going to talk about ways and “tricks” to help us stay motivated for longer periods.

So if you are feeling like you need a motivation boost, keep on reading.

Get Inspired From Other People

There is nothing like seeing a live concert or going to a jam session and feeling that rush, imagining you can also be up there on that stage!

It can be a very scary thought, but if you can channel that energy into motivation to practice then you got all you need to start practicing again. Just remember, with some practice, you could be the next one playing for an audience.

Playing With Other People

It can be with some friends or with strangers in a jam session, but in any case, playing with other people can give us just the right push to get back into practice.

Maybe it’s because you felt that you’re playing is a bit rusty and you need to get back on the horse, or maybe it’s because you liked the way some other people played and you would like to play more like them, or maybe you played with someone who is not as experienced as you and it reminded you the beautiful process of learning.

Whatever it is, playing with other people is a very good way to get your motivation back.

A Good Working Environment

A peaceful and comfortable place that is dedicated to practice is one of the foundations of a good practice routine. When you have a place that you know is specifically dedicated to “you time“, It makes it so much more motivating to go there, play your instrument, and enjoy the music you’ve just created!

If you wish to learn more about the importance of a working space, click here

Know Your Limits

Of course, it is always good to aspire to be better and practice more. But it is important to know your limits when it comes to practicing.

Not all of us can practice for the same duration, and with the same amount of focus. And it can get frustrating seeing how other people practice and think to yourself “Why can’t I practice like that?”.

You should never compare yourself to another player! That will never bring the results you are looking for. You should only compare yourself to yourself! Did you do better this week than last week? Did you achieve the goals you set out for yourself?

When you know your limits you can start working on expanding them and every time you exceed your expectations of yourself your motivation will only rise.

Creating A Practice Routine

Routines and reputations are what bring us to a higher level of playing. And one of the best ways to help us with this is by creating a practice routine.

There is nothing like “checking” another assignment on our practice Journal and seeing how our notebook is filling up with completed assignments and practice exercises.

Seeing that fully checked journal at the end of the week is one of the best ways to keep motivation levels high!

If you want to learn more about organizing your practice routine, click here:

Get A Teacher

Getting a teacher is a great way to keep motivated.

A good teacher sees you, Your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to playing and practicing, and can give you all the tools and information you need to get better at your playing and musical journey.

It is also a strong motivational tool to see a teacher every week and feel the need to present to him the last thing you have been working on. And in addition, a good teacher knows the right things to say and which pieces or steps to take next to motivate his students.

If you are interested in online classes with me, feel free to send me a message on my website.

The Best Motivational Tool – Playing

Sometimes all we need to get our motivation back on is just to play. To hold our instrument in our hands and create that beautiful thing that is music.

The idea that you can take a piece of wood and strings (or any other instrument) and create a melody, a chord progression, a beautiful harmony for someone to sing over, is sometimes enough to give us all the motivation we need.


And if after all that you still feel unmotivated to play, remember that we all have different rhythms in our lives and sometimes we do not have the “space” to practice right now.

Music is a journey, a long and beautiful one! But it can also be hard sometimes. So give yourself time and try different things, until you find the perfect one that gives you that motivation we are all looking for. It it’s a teacher or anything else.

For more information about learning music, guitar, and motivation contact me today.

Gal Dornay

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